Houses of Correction Program

About the Houses of Correction Program (HOC)

People who are living with HIV can enroll in Community Resource Initiative’s HOC Program to receive HIV Drug Assistance Program (HDAP) services while incarcerated in county jails (listed below) throughout Massachusetts. HDAP is a program of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health Office of HIV/AIDS, Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences.

The HOC Program pays the full cost of medications for enrolled clients, as people who are incarcerated are not eligible for public or private insurance during their period of incarceration. Access to medications through the HOC Program can help people who are incarcerated with HIV avoid treatment interruptions and achieve or maintain viral suppression. 

  • HIV positive status is required​
  • HOC staff submit a specific application for enrollment on behalf of clients, requires client signature
  • Does NOT serve populations in Massachusetts Correctional Institutions or Federal Prisons​ 
  • Past enrollment in HDAP is not a requirement for participating in the HOC Program.  
  • Covers the cost of HIV and HCV antiretrovirals and other medications for actively enrolled clients​ 
  • Coverage term is six months and can be extended if needed 
  • Upon notification of release, most clients can continue receiving HDAP services without submitting a new application after a quick call with our team. 
Contact the HOC Team

Enrollment Information

Click on each link to download a PDF. The application is a fillable PDF, but you must first download the PDF in order to save any information that you fill in.

HDAP Houses of Correction Application

HDAP HOC Application Instructions

To submit this application: 

Contact the HOC team 

  • Barnstable HOC
  • Berkshire HOC
  • Bristol HOC
  • Dukes HOC
  • Essex HOC
  • Franklin HOC
  • Hampden HOC
  • Hampshire HOC
  • Middlesex HOC
  • Norfolk HOC
  • Plymouth HOC
  • Suffolk HOC
  • Suffolk Nashua HOC
  • Worcester HOC

Please submit this application via fax (617.502.1703) or secure e-mail through Community Resource Initiative’s Zixcorp portal. Instructions for the Zixcorp portal can be found here. Additional documents are no longer required to enroll clients in this program. If you have any questions about this application, please contact HDAP’s Houses of Correction Manager at or 617.502.1723.

The numbers below correspond to the numbered sections of the application.

  1. Application Information:
    • Please provide the client’s first name, last name, and date of birth. If the client has a valid Social Security number, please provide all nine digits of the number. If the client does not have a valid Social Security number, check the box next to 999-99-9999.
    • Please provide the date the client entered the HOC.
    • If the client was previously enrolled in HDAP and you know their 5-digit HDAP ID, please provide that information. If you do not know the client’s HDAP ID, please leave that section blank.
  2. Gender Identity: Please do not leave this section blank. If the client declines to disclose his/her/their gender identity, please check the box next to Not Reported.
  3. Race and Ethnicity: Please fill out the client’s self-reported race and ethnicity. If this information is not available or the client wishes not to report this, leave the section blank. The Houses of Correction Manager may follow up with staff to collect race and ethnicity data if this is left blank.
  4. Client contact information: This section has been included to enhance Community Resource Initiative’s outreach efforts to released clients. Providing this information is optional. Please encourage clients to provide this contact information so that Community Resource Initiative can better assist them with their post-release medication and health insurance needs. Applications without client contact information will not impact eligibility and will be processed.
  5. Medical Information: Please have a clinician (MD, DO, PA, NP, RN) check the box next to Client is HIV Positive to verify the client’s HIV status (only clients diagnosed with HIV are eligible for HDAP). The clinician also needs to sign, date, and provide a license number. If lab results from the last twelve months are accessible, please list the results and provide the dates the labs were drawn. If labs are unavailable, please leave this section blank and submit the application (this will not impact the client’s HDAP eligibility). Please provide lab results obtained while the client is incarcerated to the Houses of Correction Manager. The Houses of Correction Manager will also follow up with staff to obtain this information if it is not submitted on the application.
  6. Attestation: Please check all the boxes in question 5. Please also write or type in the name of the HOC.
  7. Please write or type the contact information and name of the HOC staff person assisting with the application. The person assisting with the application also needs to sign and date the application. A client signature is required. If a client is refusing to sign the application, please contact the Houses of Correction Manager.

Download these instructions as a PDF here

For more information about the current HOC application and procedures, please view our webinar from November 2020 that outlines updated policies and procedures.

*Please note this webinar was produced and recorded while Community Resource Initiative was still known as Community Research Initiative (CRI). The program information has not changed and is still relevant.

Houses of Correction Application Training Slide Deck


If you have a client recently released from jail, please contact the Houses of Correction Program directly at 617.502.1723 or

Community Resource Initiative listened to what I needed and exceeded my expectations

Essex County Houses of Correction Coordinator

Meet the HOC Team

Maya Eeson, JD

Houses of Correction Program Manager

Community Resource Initiative’s Services

HIV Drug Assistance Program

Access to HIV medications

HDAP provides access to life-saving medications and health insurance for people living with HIV in Massachusetts.

Learn more

Tuberculosis Drug Assistance Program

TB medication access

TDAP expands access to TB treatment by covering the costs of TB medications for patients receiving TB care at designated clinical sites across Massachusetts.

Learn more

Insurance Support

Access to health insurance guidance and support

Community Resource Initiative offers hands-on guidance navigating insurance, assistance with enrollment, and help paying for health insurance premiums to ensure ongoing access to comprehensive health care coverage.

Insurance Support

PrEP Drug Assistance Program

Access to PrEP

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), when taken as prescribed prior to sex and/or injection drug use, can significantly reduce the risk of contracting HIV. This program helps cover PrEP costs for eligible clients.

Learn more and get PrEP

nPEP Program

Access to urgent PEP medication

This program helps patients access urgent treatment for HIV exposure to decrease the risk of HIV infection (nPEP). The nPEP Drug Assistance Program covers exposures outside of the workplace.

Access to PEP Medication

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